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How to Prepare Your Employees & Managers to Handle Workplace Violence

Our "must have" workplace violence prevention program covers awareness and prevention as well as extreme violence  response.


Watch the FREE Preview. 


Developing an informed and empowered workforce takes a comprehensive workplace violence prevention training approach.

Effective workplace violence (WPV) prevention training requires that employees and managers be taught:

  • the many forms workplace violence can take 
  • how to spot and report concerning behaviors
  • what to do in the event of an extreme violence situation

When done right, WPV prevention training creates a culture where people look out for one another.


This program does all of the above with extra emphasis on awareness and prevention. Learners are provided with the "mental categories" to spot changes in others that could indicate potential trouble and feel safe sharing those concerns.

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Fully interactive eLearning option





Runs on our Platform or your LMS





Employee & Manager  Training


Awareness & Prevention (11 minutes)



Extreme Violence Response (7 minutes)



Advanced Training for Managers (7 minutes)




James Sporleder

Security Industry Veteran


Video host and content subject matter expert James Sporleder has more than 25 years experience in the security industry. With a unique background in specialized captivity survival, James has trained thousands of U.S. military personnel from some of the most elite units in the U.S. Department of Defense. He served as President of the Center for Personal Protection and Safety from 2004 to 2015, where he spear-headed special program initiatives and was lead developer and project director for all media-based training. Recently, James and his team have developed customized WPV training solutions for several Fortune 1000 organizations.

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Small Business Plan starts at

$950 up to 100 learners


Includes fully interactive training on Awareness & Prevention, Extreme Violence Response, and when applicable, Advanced Training for Managers.




Starts at



Contains all video segments as well as extensive support material for facilitator-led training.


Select a Format & Pricing That Works for You


Getting Real About Workplace Violence is ideal for classroom training, blended learning or individual self-paced learning.

Watch the FREE Full-Length Preview

The most effective workplace violence  prevention training available, Getting Real About Workplace Violence helps educate and empower your workforce.

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