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7 Elements of Inclusive Learning Quick Check Quiz

It's Time to Check in and Assess our DE&I Promises


In 2022, many organizations are reaffirming their promises to make positive progress in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I).

New data from Gartner1 reinforces the importance of doing so:


Frequency with which CEOs talk about issues of equity, fairness and inclusion since 2018.   

#1 Priority for HR Executives in '22 -- Fairness and Equity in Employee Experiences 


Designed to help training and HR professionals operationalize their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, Media Partners offers this two-minute quiz to highlight actions that strengthen inclusive learning initiatives.

The quiz will help you assess:
  • the availability and accessibility of training opportunities to all employee groups
  • if training opportunities are inclusively marketed and promoted within the organization
  • inclusion within the L&D team itself
  • and more!
You’ll also receive suggested strategies for improving in each of these areas. 


Media Partners offers expert support and top-quality training content designed to engage the broadest possible ranges of employees, enabling your organization to deliver on the promise of inclusive learning opportunities for all. Completed your check and ready to take action? We’re ready to help!!! Click here to learn how we can help you with your inclusive learning journey. .


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