Collaboration Opportunity or Collaboration No Go? (Checklist)
To Collaborate or Not?
Employees are 50% more effective at completing tasks, more engaged, and more motivated when they work in a collaborative setting, says research from Stanford University. Moreover, multiple sources link collaboration and teamwork to better overall organizational performance.
Further, collaborative projects provide opportunities to assemble diverse and inclusive teams that enhance employees’ sense of belonging.
However, experts warn that too much collaboration has the potential to become overwhelming, especially for people who find themselves constantly called on to lend a helping hand.
The lesson for managers? Make good decisions about which work projects will or won’t be strengthened by collaboration. Let the Collaboration ID Tool below guide you.
Multiple sources link collaboration and teamwork to better overall organizational performance,
but experts warn that too much collaboration has the potential to become overwhelming.
How to Tell if a Work Project Calls for Collaboration
Use this Media Partners checklist to identify projects that are teamwork-ready.
If you answer yes to the following questions, your project is a likely candidate for collaboration. (But always consider the context of your organization, its resources, its culture, and its priorities.)
A few no answers don't rule out collaboration, but they do suggest that a team approach might add challenges.
▢ Innovation
Will the desired result/solution be an innovation for the organization—a new way of doing things or an issue not addressed before?
▶ If yes, try collaboration. The diverse skills and perspectives teamwork offers could enhance innovation and strengthen project outcomes.
▢ Business Impact (Anticipated ROI of people and resources required for collaboration.)
How will the project affect the business’s bottom line? Will it grow revenues, save substantial costs?
▶ If projected results are likely to improve market performance, competitive position, or other enterprise measures, collaboration could drive up ROI.
▢ Timeline
Is there ample time to find a solution to the issue or problem collaboratively?
▶ A short timeline can make collaboration impractical due to logistics and the decision-making runways team efforts require. Ideally, only a yes answer signals a likely fit for collaboration. (But…create a clear process to guide the team and adhere carefully to timely action…and collaboration just might work.)
▢ Scope
Does the project require extensive work (tasks, sub-tasks, alignment across or involvement of multiple business functions, etc.) ?
▶ Yes? Although it may seem counter-intuitive, collaboration could help by distributing tasks across a team and lessening demand on individuals (and the potential for overload). Further, collaboration may occur organically when projects touch multiple business units or functions.
▢ Resources (People, information, and other resources necessary for collaboration.)
Will team members have access to each other and to all information and assets required to drive results?
▶ Virtually or face-to-face, ease of access to team members is a must for effective collaboration. Are virtual collaboration tools/technologies available? Teams may need access to information systems, data, and other relevant materials, too.
▢ Collaboration Skills
Do employees possess knowledge/skills to communicate effectively, work with diverse colleagues, develop ideas, and create productive teams?
▶ Collaborative skillsets strengthen teamwork: Experience working in a collaborative environment, refined communication abilities, conflict management proficiency, and other people skills enable collaboration and drive positive outcomes.
▢ Motivation
Do organizational systems and processes encourage people to collaborate?
▶ Team-based rewards provide motivation (and recognition) for collaboration and underscore the importance of the work. Incentives reinforce participants’ engagement and willingness to contribute maximum effort.
▢ Team Selection
Have these important components of building a successful team been addressed?
- Is there a clear understanding of roles needed for the project?
- Are special knowledge/skills required?
- Do team members represent diverse and relevant perspectives?
▶ Promote inclusion and healthy collaboration by carefully selecting the right team members for the project; avoid automatically calling on the go-to people who are likely to be overloaded. Choosing those less-frequently asked to collaborate can provide them with hands-on experiential development.
▢ Pacing
Have clear timelines been established, oversight built in to keep things on track, and structure discussed to avoid the trap of too many meetings?
▶ Establishing clear schedules (and setting limits for meetings) at the outset helps teams stay on track. Consider 30-day to 90-day timelines for collaborations to reinforce an efficient, energetic pace.
▢ Shared Objective(s)
Is the desired result for the collaboration clear, compelling, and easy to articulate? Will goals for individuals be as clear as the group’s overall goal(s)?
▶ Sharply defining goals (individual and group) is a critical success step to complete before collaborative work begins. If a powerful and engaging common objective cannot be communicated, the project is not appropriate for collaboration.
This tool for identifying projects appropriate for a collaborative approach builds on insights from Stewart Leadership, creators of the comprehensive leadership development program LEAD NOW!