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Unintentional Still Hurts, Manager Version

Overcoming Unconscious Bias and Creating a Culture of Respect

50 min | by Media Partners

  • Trailer

  • Unintentional Still Hurts, Manager

  • Unintentional Still Hurts, Employee

  • Bias and STEP Revisited (separate purchase)


This best-selling implicit bias training for managers has been shown to yield a 3x increase in acceptance of personal bias.*  Going beyond the basics, it helps managers identify, challenge and respond to bias while teaching how to build a culture of respect.


Languages: English, Spanish
What's included:

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Product Description

Proven Results | 3x Increase in Bias Acceptance | Measure Your Organization’s Positive Change

Through powerful examples of common “microaggressions,” this course reminds managers that until they and their team members do the work of identifying and challenging biases, efforts to create a culture of equity, inclusion and respect are likely to fall short.  

Unintentional Still Hurts: Overcoming Unconscious Bias can help your organization:

Measure change in employees' acceptance of bias while also providing a way to compare your organization's bias acceptance level with others nationally.
Overcome resistance and misconceptions by giving the science behind bias and portraying how bias and microaggressions hurt people—even when unintentional.
Immediately minimize the impact of implicit bias through activities that encourage personal reflection and enable learners to recognize and challenge their biases.
Inspire positive change (not fear and avoidance) by reminding learners that while biases may lead us to say or do the wrong thing, these mistakes (when handled correctly) can generate meaningful dialogue and increased understanding.
Encourage people to be allies with instruction on how to speak up on behalf of another person when you witness explicit or implicit bias or microaggression.
Educate managers on their role in creating a culture of respect and give them a practical way to handle employee concerns regarding microaggressions and disrespectful conduct.


Follow-up Unconscious Bias Training: Bias and STEP Revisited

Designed to be taken in the months following training with this Unintentional Still Hurts: Overcoming Unconscious Bias course, this 10-minute supplemental training: 

 • Reinforces bias understanding by addressing the difference between implicit and explicit bias. 

 • Demonstrates the harmful impact of explicit bias, using a new  transgender employee scenario.  

 • Gives a refresher on applying the STEP (Stop & Think, Explore, Prepare) strategy to overcome bias.

The Bias and STEP Revisited course measures learners' acceptance of bias over time, reinforcing the longevity of the initial unconscious bias training. Learner engagement is measured during the course and turned into aggregated data which is then converted into insights available on a dashboard.

You can see a preview of the course at the top of this page.  Contact us for pricing and information on how to successfully launch this supplement in your organization.

▶ Learning Points

Unintentional Still Hurts: Overcoming Unconscious Bias, Manager Version enables managers to:

  • Recognize that they have biases.
  • Implement strategies to overcome unconscious bias.
  • Stop and consider potential biases when making assumptions about co-workers' abilities.
  • Identify microaggressions.
  • Respectfully handle situations where an offense has occurred (whether they’re the target, the perpetrator or a witness).
  • Understand their role in creating a culture of respect from the standpoint of their personal conduct, their responsibilty to encourage peer-to-peer Upstander behavior, and their responsibility as a leader.
  • Be more confident when handling employee concerns and complaints regarding microaggressions and disrespectful conduct.

▶ Top Design Features

  • Focuses on behavior change. Educates and prepares managers to use the target workplace behaviors.
  • Builds self-awareness. Helps managers recognize bias and how it can influence interactions with others.
  • Overcomes learner resistance. Presents bias as part of being human and uses real-world, relatable examples.
  • Enables you to measure success. Provides a dashboard to track progress and impact
  • Is backed by research. Course design aligns with proven behavioral theory and the impact is scientifically validated.

▶ eLearning Details

The Manager eLearning course is comprised of three 15-18 minute eLearning modules, so managers are only away from their job for short periods. 

Module 1: Understanding Bias

Module 2: Recognizing Microaggressions

Module 3: Proactive Leadership

  • Each module builds on and reinforces the learning from the previous one.
  • eLearning content is interactive and engaging.
  • Knowledge checks reinforce the learning.
  • Self-reflection questions prepare learners to apply the desired workplace behaviors.

Employee Version also available.

Note: Unintentional Still Hurts is fully interactive eLearning. The preview provided at the top of this page shows how a learner would progress through the course. For this preview, however, only the end-of-module summary questions are shown. To demo the eLearning course in its entirety, please contact us. 

Delivery and Facilitation Options

  • Self-paced, interactive eLearning (can be customized with organizational policy and messaging)
  • Facilitated Workshops (in-person or virtual) can be added to support the eLearning, using our facilitators or yours.   Please contact us for more information.
  • Awards and Recognition

    This program has been honored by a number of prestigious organizations for cinematic and educational excellence.

* 2022 Media Partners Bias Training Research 

Product Details

Product Details
Is Best Seller? Yes
Program Length 50 min
Format eLearning
Languages English, Spanish
Producer Media Partners

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