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Management Skills - Blog

  1. Management Styles - What to Know to Apply Them Effectively

    Management Styles - What to Know to Apply Them Effectively

    Every manager has a different management style. This post breaks down the different types of manager styles and how to apply them effectively in the workplace.

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  2. Media Partners Survey: Leaders and Their Skills Top 2020 Organizational Training Priorities

    Media Partners Survey: Leaders and Their Skills Top 2020 Organizational Training Priorities

    A Media Partners survey of Learning & Development Professionals asked about their top-of-mind training topics for the year ahead, and we found that attention is solidly focused on the skills leaders need along with competencies that drive organizational success. See the results.

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  3. Managers Who Develop Talent Elevate the Employee Experience

    Managers Who Develop Talent Elevate the Employee Experience

    Managers are your organization’s most critical link with employees. HR, talent development and business professionals rank effective managers, and workers’ relationships with them, to be the top organizational lever for positively impacting the employee experience. This post examines the significant part talent development plays in creating positive employee experiences.


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  4. 5 Ways Managers Show Respect to Employees

    5 Ways Managers Show Respect to Employees

    Employees often feel disrespected due to actions (or the lack therof) on the part of their supervisor. This post explores 5 easy-to-apply tips leaders can use to positively influence employee motivation and retention.

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  5. The Many Benefits of Adult Learning

    The Many Benefits of Adult Learning

    We’re learning all the time. We can take an active role in it--decide what we want to learn. Or, we can just absorb what we hear on TV or from friends.
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  6. Talent Management: A "Best-in-Cass" Selection Strategy

    Talent Management: A "Best-in-Cass" Selection Strategy

    One of the key issues organizations face is the ability to attract, motivate and retain their employees. Those that focus on attracting and managing talent are able to maintain and enhance the intellectual capital of their organization. They achieve this through the motivation and development of current employees and the attraction of prospective candidates. Any talent management framework or strategy needs to have a clearly defined selection strategy that aligns with the broader organizational talent demands and encourages best practice processes and procedures that ensure consistency and fair treatment of all those involved.
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  7. 10 Ways Gardening is like Retaining Great Employees

    10 Ways Gardening is like Retaining Great Employees

    For those who have spent time trying to get a flower to bloom, you know that gardening is a lot like retaining good employees.

    For those who aren't gardeners, let me explain. Here are 10 ways gardening is like employee retention.

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