4 Skills You Can Teach with Customer Service Training Videos

How to Teach Customer Service Basics
Customer service videos are a great tool for trainers and managers to energize their team AND teach them the skills they’ll need to provide the kind of superior service that keeps guests coming back. Here are 4 skills that can be taught to your front-line service employees using customer service training videos.
When the service bell rings, however it does... your employees should be ready with:
1. Attitude
Having a positive, service-oriented attitude is the foundation for providing great customer service. Employees should be coached to maintain a helpful, professional, “can-do” attitude even in the midst of all they’re likely to face each day - chaos, competing priorities, dissatisfied or angry customers, rude or impatient coworkers, technical difficulties, and even boredom. Customer service videos will remind CSRs that (1) they can control their attitude, and (2) attitudes are contagious - to customers and coworkers (so they need to make sure to spread a good attitude, not a negative one).
The best training videos provide memorable tips and examples as a way of showing that a big part of a customer service person’s job is to choose to be positive. This means keeping in mind things like:
I can’t let my bad day ruin my customers’ experience.
Customers make my job possible. They’re the reason I’m here.
Keeping a good attitude can be difficult, though, when faced with rude or angry customers, so be sure to see our Service Recovery Skill Point below.
2. Listening
Listening carefully is the key to establishing rapport and gaining true understanding of what the customer needs or wants. In their rush to be helpful and serve as many customers as quickly as possible, some CSRs prematurely offer solutions before fully “hearing” the customer's request or problem.
Training videos can show CSR's how to:
- listen without interrupting.
- ask clarifying questions.
- give feedback to ensure that what they've heard is accurate.
Establishing two-way communication through careful listening will go a long way toward giving customers a sense of satisfaction in the way their transaction has been handled.
3. Problem-Solving
Customer service training videos are a great resource for teaching problem-solving skills to front-line service providers. Videos can provide realistic depictions of everyday customer service scenarios and how employees use problem-solving skills to resolve customers’ issues.
For instance, through video, a CSR might see how to handle challenging situations like these:
- the organization no longer carries the product a customer needs.
- an organizational policy prevents the CSR from saying "yes" to a customer's request.
To be a good problem solver, CSR's must learn how their company operates, the products and services it offers, and what the company’s service expectations are. They must be able to put themselves in the customer’s shoes and think about how they would want their problem handled -- what kinds of resolutions would work, and what resources might have to be involved in finding a solution. Lastly, when the service provider doesn't have the necessary information to solve an issue for the customer, he or she needs to volunteer to find someone who does.
4. Service Recovery
Problem solving is always more difficult when the customer is upset because the CSR has to focus on solving the problem and do all they can to keep from losing customers for good. The skill is called service recovery.
When a customer has experienced a service failure they are understandably disappointed or angry. Empathy towards the customer is a very important first step. Some additional necessary steps during service recovery are to:
- apologize for the inconvenience and admit to any mistakes the company has made.
- never blame or “talk down” to the customer.
- remain calm and utilize a professional attitude to develop a solution.
All these things signal to the customer that the CSR cares about his or her problem, understands what they’re going through, and can be trusted to take care of it.
Training videos on service recovery not only prepare employees for tough situations, they enable the organization to keep customers from leaving for good.
Customer service videos like The Right Words at the Right Time… Customer Service Recovery from Media Partners can provide training on a variety of customer service skills.
Available in 5 versions (Retail, Leisure, Business, Government, and Healthcare) The Right Words at the Right Time videos depict a variety of challenging and realistic scenes; and offer a step by step process for overcoming almost any service recovery challenge.
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