Attitude Virus
Curing Negativity in the Workplace
20 min | by CRM Learning, LP
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This long-time favorite helps organizations combat various types of negative attitudes and behaviors that can spread in the workplace and undermine morale and productivity. Viewers learn how to keep negativity from spreading, reinforce positive behavior and build interpersonal skills.
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Product Description
One bad attitude can infect your entire organization. With this program, you will learn to identify the seven most common attitude virus carriers and how to protect yourself and your organization from them.
The seven "carriers" are:
- The Steamer, who blows his lid
- The Perfectionist, who wields 'quality' like a weapon
- The Resister, who is threatened by change
- The Not-My-Jobber, whose narrow views block progress
- The Rumor Monger, who spreads stories everywhere
- The Uncommitted, who simply doesn't care
- The Pessimist, who expects the sky to fall no matter what
If you spot any of the following warning signs, an attitude virus could be spreading through your team or throughout the whole company: resisting change, lack of commitment, spreading gossip, misdirected anger, and condescending perfectionism.
Participants will benefit by learning to take responsibility for their own attitudes and success, plus, underlying causes for unproductive attitudes will be resolved and fewer personal problems will affect work.
Product Details
Is Best Seller? | No |
Program Length | 20 min |
Format | eLearning, USB |
Subtitles | Chinese |
Languages | English, Spanish, Mandarin |
Producer | CRM Learning, LP |