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Customer Service Excellence Solutions
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Solutions
Effective Workplace Communication Solutions
Employee Development - Training Solutions
Leadership Development
Sexual Harassment Prevention Programs
Supervisor and Manager Training
Workplace Violence Prevention - Training Solutions
  1. The Practical Coach 2
    Best Seller
    The Practical Coach 2

    The Practical Coach 2 updates the best-selling employee coaching show ever. This insightful program models practical coaching techniques during three critical times: When you observe GOOD work, POOR work, and a DEAD END.

    • 25 min.
    • eLearning
    • USB
  2. Positive Discipline
    Positive Discipline

    Positive Performance Coaching is achievable ...when supervisors and managers have the right training. Help leaders get beyond the belief that confronting negative performance has to be punitive in nature and show them how performance discussions can actually be a tool for developing employees. 


    • 24 min
    • eLearning
    • USB
  3. Respectful Supervisor: Motivating and Retaining Employees
    Respectful Supervisor: Motivating and Retaining Employees

    This video depicts ways supervisors convey respect, including paying attention to employees, engaging them in regular communication, and demonstrating a commitment to their well-being and success.

    • 11 min
    • eLearning
    • USB
  4. Respectful Supervisor: Integrity and Inclusion
    Respectful Supervisor: Integrity and Inclusion

    Help your supervisors understand their role in ensuring that employees are treated with respect,  particularly when it comes to their own behaviors and what they are modeling to their team.

    • 13 min
    • eLearning
    • USB
  5. Conducting Legal Performance Appraisals
    Conducting Legal Performance Appraisals

    While an essential part of employee performance management, giving performance appraisals can be filled with potential legal landmines. This program shows managers how to properly structure meetings and abide by employment laws.

    • 16 minutes
    • USB
  6. Conducting Extraordinary Performance Appraisals
    Conducting Extraordinary Performance Appraisals

    Performance appraisals are one of a manager's most important responsibilities, but conducting them can be difficult — especially when discussing negative behaviors. This program shows how to get the most out of the appraisal and the employee.

    • 16 min
    • eLearning
    • USB
  7. The Front Of The Class
    The Front Of The Class

    The Front of the Class is a must-see for anyone who has been promoted from within to a supervisory role.  Humorous yet heartwarming examples teach the management truth  "You only succeed when they do, so what do they need from you to succeed?"

    • 24 min
    • eLearning
    • USB
  8. Discussing Performance
    Discussing Performance

    Much anticipated  (and often dreaded) performance reviews don't have to be a nightmare to get through. Learn to create an effective and painless environment for both managers and employees with this training.

    • 20 min
    • eLearning
    • USB
  9. After All, You're The Supervisor!
    After All, You're The Supervisor!

    Whether newly promoted or recently hired, supervisors and managers need the right tools to succeed. This training covers the components of supervisory success, including highly important skills such as:

    • Planning and Prioritizing
    • Team Building Encouragement
    • Delegation & More!
    • 20 min
    • eLearning
    • USB

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